Program Council and Committees
Getting Involved
The best way to find out more about our church and Unitarian Universalism is to get involved in some of the many activities, committees, groups and educational programs that are available. Consider volunteering for an activity or committee. There are many interesting opportunities to meet people, share an interest, or make a difference both inside and outside the church family. The gift of your time and talent to the shared ministry of our church will nourish your spirit.
Take a moment, talk to our membership committee or our minister. You’ll be glad you did… and so will we!
Committees are an important part of the life of the church and one of the main vehicles for living out our mission and goals.
Standing Committees have charges included in the bylaws. The chairs of standing committees except for the Nominating Committee, the Personnel Committee and the Committee on Shared Ministry are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting from a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee; the term of office is one year, beginning immediately after the Annual Meeting. The Nominating and Personnel Committees and the Committee on Ministry choose their own chairs. Below is a partial list of committees and groups. If you think it sounds interesting, contact the chair. Or, if you have another passion, discuss starting a new group with membership.
Building Use
Currently Inactive
The Building Use Committee is a sub-committee of Finance.
Church Family
Managed By Membership Committee
Sue Weber, Chair
Church Family arranges the support for members and friends to help them through difficult situations. It is dedicated to service within our own church community during times of need or crisis. The committee will coordinate volunteer help from the congregation to respond to situations which already exist or which arise. In cooperation with the congregation, the committee acts as a loving family, extending a hand to members and friends in times of need.
Church Planning
Currently Inactive
The Long-Range Planning Committee coordinates the strategic and long range planning for the church. The By-Laws require the committee to assess the goals of the church and propose programs to meet those goals. They present their findings annually at the Annual Meeting.
Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM)
The CoSM is a communication channel between the congregation and the minister and strives to develop and sustain a healthy ministry at the UUCLV. We observe congregational life and provide a sounding board for the congregation and minister to exchange ideas on providing a strong shared ministry. Ministerial activities of the Church include professional leadership, religious education, worship, social justice, pastoral care, and church family concerns.
Currently Inactive
The Communications Committee is responsible for communicating and promoting the activities and programs of the church within the membership and to the larger community via newspaper articles, our website, and in-house newsletter.
Denominational Affairs
Kate Shartel Novak, Chair
Denominational Affairs is responsible for informing the members and friends of the UUCLV about the mission and structure of the denomination and, to provide the members and friends of the UUCLV the opportunity to participate in the programs and events of the UUA and its affiliated organizations.
Jan Phillips, Chair
Finance with the assistance of the Treasurer, keeps informed about and advises, the Board and Congregation on all financial matters of the Church. The Finance Committee prepares the annual budget, supervises the raising of funds and is responsible for arranging the periodic audit of Church finances.
Lorraine Bujnowski, Chair
The Hospitality committee arranges for volunteers for Sunday morning greeters, ushers, flowers and coffee hour snacks. They also provide volunteers for set up and clean up for new member potlucks and special services.
Sue Weber, Chair
Membership arranges to welcome visitors, inform new members about the activities of the Church, and prepare, distribute and maintain an up-to-date directory of members. The committee keeps the Minister and the Board informed of any individuals seeking to become more active in the Church. Annually, the Membership Committee reviews and updates the membership record and submits a report of changes to the Board of Trustees.
Subcommittee of Worship
The Music Committee is responsible for the music which complements and enhances Sunday worship services and other Church occasions/events by hiring, coordinating and /or enlisting musicians as needed. Music, vocal and instrumental, is an essential part of our worship services. Each service includes hymns selected from the eclectic collection in our hymnbook, “Singing the Living Tradition.” Hymns and choral selections sung by our Beacon choir, as well as musical offerings of local instrumentalists, are chosen to enhance the special themes of our service.
Leadership Development
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) prepares and presents to the membership at the Annual Meeting a slate of candidates for the expiring positions on the Board of Trustees, the chairs of standing committees and the LDC. This committee actively seeks individuals for inclusion on the slate of candidates from those members who have demonstrated interest and participated in the life of the Church. LDC seeks, on an on-going basis, individuals for the membership of various Church committees. LDC works throughout the church year to strengthen and develop leadership from the congregation.
TBA, Chair
The Personnel Committee develops personnel policies for Board administration of all Church staff except the Minister. It acts as a liaison between the staff and the Board regarding employment contracts and conditions of employment. The Committee also advertises and fills staff vacancies as they arise. The staff currently includes the Administrator, the Lifespan Education Coordinator, the Member/Volunteer Coordinator and the Sexton. The Minister and a representative of the Board are ex-officio members of the Committee.
Dora Davenport, Chair
Property is responsible for the care and maintenance of the buildings, furnishings, equipment and grounds of the Church. It keeps the Board and the congregation apprised of any property needs and concerns.
Religious Education
Children and Youth
Anthony Gazzillo, Chair
The RE Committee guides programs and activities for the children and youth. The Committee consists of adult and youth representatives of the UUCLV. The Committee works with the Lifespan Education Coordinator to organize the Sunday morning programs for children and youth from pre-Kindergarten up to Senior High. Traditionally, children and youth have actively participated in intergenerational Sunday services twice per year (RE Sunday and Youth Sunday); this year, at least two intergenerational services are planned.
Open position, Chair
The Adult Religious Education committee coordinates and sponsors programs to increase our capacity, as both individuals and as a community, to understand, relate to and enjoy our world in the context of our individual and communal spiritual quests.
Social Action
The Social Action Committee is involved in projects and issues ranging from the homeless to the environment. Working individually, in small sub-groups, or in plenum, the Committee focuses on diverse issues as circumstances direct. A continuing project from year to year is to contribute to local drop-in centers through our Food Bank. Many members work in local soup kitchens, teach in literacy programs, and do special tutoring or counseling in the area. In general, the Committee tries to respond to issues raised on the local scene and to encourage social activism within the Congregation.

Tom Van Doren and Chuck West (Right), Co-Chairs
The Stewardship Committee is charged with the overall welfare and well-being of the church. This rewarding endeavor is performed by soliciting both financial and volunteer work contributions from church members during the annual Stewardship Campaign.
Tara Stephenson and Beth Taylor, Co-Chairs
The Worship Committee plans the schedule of services with the Minister and coordinates services when the Minister is away. Committee members type the order of service, care for the sanctuary, coordinate ushers, and support the Music Committee. The Minister and the Worship Committee consider suggestions from the congregation and discuss, develop, and communicate theories and styles of worship.
Activities and Programs
TBA, Chair
The audio-visual group provides sound for our service and other activities, such as weddings. We operate a video camera during services so that our “second sanctuary” can view the service.
Beacon Choir
Larry Lipkis, Director
The Beacon Choir is an intergenerational group of members and friends led by our music director and/or volunteers as needed. The music spans many styles from Renaissance to contemporary, sacred to secular, serious to light-hearted [classical, jazz, and folk], [Western and Global]. There are no auditions, but participation does require the commitment of time. The Choir rehearses in the sanctuary every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30pm and provides choral music for about 2 services per month.
Sunday Breakfast Forum
Sunday Breakfast Forum Group
Each Sunday from 9:00AM to !0:00AM, the Breakfast Forum meets at Lehigh Valley Active Life and on Zoom to hear presentations and discuss topics in areas such as history, art, popular culture, philosophy, religion, science, social justice, and personal well-being. The Forum welcomes all to participate and invites everyone to consider giving presentations related to their personal and/or professional interests. The Sunday Breakfast Forum Group coordinates presenters and works to sustain the Forum as an integral part of UUCLV’s mission to “Awaken the Spirit, Connect in Kindness, and Help To Heal the World.”
Emergency Sheltering
Currently Inactive
From December through March, The UUCLV joins with other churches in the Bethlehem area to provide shelter for people with no other place to be sheltered. We cook or purchase food, show movies, lend a listening ear, and provide a safe place to rest during some of the coldest days of winter.
Green Sanctuary
Currently Inactive
Green Sanctuary Committee creates a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly world by making our church buildings greener, raising awareness in the congregation about living more lightly on the earth through education and service projects, and by becoming a model of environmental stewardship in the Lehigh Valley. We have influenced improved building efficiency and energy conservation in the church.
HAVEN (Hope, Acceptance, Validation, Equality, Nurturing)
Currently Inactive
A group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & questioning youth between the ages of 14-20, which meets every Wednesday at 7 pm. This is a community wide program. Membership in this Church is not required. Youth who consider themselves allies are also encouraged to attend.
Heritage Society
Currently Inactive
The Heritage Society’s mission is to recognize and honor those people who contribute $1000 or more to the church Endowment Fund either as an outright gift or bequests in their will or by establishing trusts, annuities, etc. for the benefit of the Church. Members of the Heritage Society may be recognized by name or kept anonymous, at the request of the donor. If you qualify to become a member or wish to establish a bequest of some kind, contact the Heritage Society committee.
Monday Evening Discussion Group
Tom Zimmerman
This group is open to all UUCLV members and friends. Currently, the group meets monthly on the second Monday of the month via Zoom or in person as conditions permit. Normally, the group meets monthly, rotating hosts and homes, to discuss a topic of interest and share a potluck meal.
Second Sunday Concert Series
Currently Inactive
The diverse musical talent of the Lehigh Valley is on display for a series of five concerts ranging from classical to jazz. These concerts are well attended by the community at large. For more information:

Service Auction
Dora Davenport, Cecilia Eberhard, Eric Lee
The annual service auction is our top fundraiser. Members and friends donate goods and services, which are bid on through an on-line auction software program and the used of Zoom. This is a family fun event. The event is about raising money, but also enhancing community friendships and relationships. Donating goods or services is a creative way for you to help your beloved community. Many auction items create opportunities to meet new friends and get to know old friends even better.