First, Get To Know Us!

Attend our Sunday services. They vary quite a bit from Sunday to Sunday as you may already know.   Read our newsletter, The Link available online.

Mix it up after service on Sundays in Zoom breakout rooms. Talk to members. Talk to other newcomers. You’ll make friends quickly. The best opener: “How did you come to UUCLV?”

Sign up for the eNews.  Join our mailing lists and keep up-to-date on services, classes, social events, and all the goings-on of our community!

Attend some church groups or functions.  Most are still online.  Look into choir rehearsals, storytelling, join a small group for topic discussions, or look for our online parties.

Join us in service.  If you like, help out with clean up and other environmental projects, go to a soup kitchen day, or food bank.  It’s a time to get to know us and learn what you like to do.

Then, Get To Know Unitarian Universalism

Meet our Minister. This is held typically on Sundays after the service in a breakout room.  She can tell you more about us and Unitarian Universalism.  Or email her at

Attend a “New UU” class. This is a more in-depth class covering a short history of Unitarian Universalism as well as the history of the UUCLV. Newcomers will also discuss their own religious/spiritual paths to Unitarian Universalism. We’ll describe how the UUCLV works, how it is “governed”, the UUCLV committees and their functions. After these classes, you’ll have a better idea of how the UUCLV works, and how your passions might find a home here.

Rights and Responsibilities of Membership

As a member, you may vote at congregational meetings regarding the major issues of the church, such as calling a minister, approving budgets, determining leadership and acquiring property.  Leadership positions such as board officers and trustees and standing committee chair are held by members.

Responsibilities include exercising your right to vote and making a commitment to the church.  While Unitarian Universalists don’t typically tithe, we do ask that members consider financially contributing what they can to support our staff and keep our programming relevant and plentiful.  Contributing what you can of your time and talents to church activities that you find meaningful also helps ensure the health and well-being of our congregation.

Talk to the Minister and Become a Member!

Are you ready? Is it time to become part of the UUCLV family? You spoke with the minister, met other people in the congregation including someone from the Membership Committee (, attended a New UU class and are considering your commitment. You’ll be scheduled to sign our membership book as part of the next new member service.  Your signature indicates your commitment, and we welcome you into our UUCLV family. Welcome!!