Our Annual Stewardship Campaign began on Sunday, January 8th with Reverend Larry’s encouraging message and a kickoff event on Jnuary 15th. This campaign will be the main fundraising event, building our congregation’s budget for the 2023–2024 fiscal year. We all need to know that our church is at a critical stage financially and accordingly increase our pledge as we are able.

Consider the importance of this church in your life when you determine your pledge. Your pledge is a way to express gratitude for the benefits you receive from the church.

What is Important for Our Congregation

As part of our 23-24 Pledge Drive, here is what our members say about UUCLV:

  1. Sense of community open to everyone,  acceptance, a place to share and understand diverse ideas.
  2. Freedom of thinking, rational thought, expand ideas of faith.
  3. Social action-including diversity, shared plate.
  4. A diversity of spiritual ideas.
  5. Excellent music and content of service that resonates for me
  6. Our church to provide our program, mission, and principals to the Lehigh Valley.
  7. One comment that describes most of these ideas  well: “ UUCLV lifts me up to be with open minded, open-hearted people who share love, concern for all, honesty in beliefs…who to work for an open, fair, accepting world for all people.”
  8. To not have the views of a few dominate how and what the church does – importance of inclusiveness of the total congregation.

Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Going

In 2022 we moved into a rented facility for worship and meetings and hired a new minister. We resumed meaningful in-person Sunday worship services, while continuing to offer a zoom option. Initiated by our Social Action Committee, the membership participated in UU The Vote, attended anti-gun-violence rallies, and joined the Poor People’s Campaign.

As we move forward, we continue to need our financial resources to keep our staffed and volunteer ministries humming, re-energize our lifespan education program, strengthen the Breakfast Forum, find a more permanent home, increase our member diversity and numbers, and more.

Making a pledge shows that you’re in the game for the future. We recognize that economic changes over the past few years have been hard on many individuals and families. Likewise, our Finance Committee estimates that a total pledge amount of $225,000 is needed to meet our needs next year. This would be an increase of 30% over our current year’s pledge amount.

Please give until it feels good! You can pledge online at any time. If you need any assistance in your pledge, please contact the Stewardship Committee at: stewardship@uuclvpa.org.

May we please hear from you at your earliest convenience. We thank you, and the community you are building will thank you.