Make a Pledge
Make a financial commitment to our shared future. Note that the church’s fiscal year is from July 1st to June 30th. For detailed instructions to complete a pledge form, click here.
Pledge for Next Fiscal Year (2025-2026)
Pledge for Current Fiscal Year (2024-2025)
Donate Now Buttons Temporarily Disabled
We are experiencing technical difficulties with PayPal and cannot currently accept one-time PayPal donations through our website. If you have a recurring donation already set up through PayPal, we are still receiving those.
If you have your own PayPal account, you can make a donation directly by clicking on Send and searching for “The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley” (must include “The” in the search field). If not, then we ask that you consider making your donation via cash or a check (which can be put in the plate during Sunday worship or mailed to our LVAL office at 1633 West Elm St., Allentown PA 18102, to the attention of the Assistant Treasurer). If you would like your donation to go towards a pledge and not towards the plate cash, please indicate that on the check or on an envelope, if giving cash.
We have been working with PayPay to resolve this situation and we hope to have the PayPal links working again as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!