Speaker: Tara Stephenson

Covenant *Hybrid*

On Sunday, June 26, we will view the UUA/WorshipWeb video titled “Woven In a Single Garment of Destiny,” in-person at LVALC. It is a service about covenant, which is timely as we move forward together into our next chapter at UUCLV. The video recording includes … read more.

Compassion – How Great Is Your Love?


We will be conducting this Sunday Service online via Zoom. You may join the service with a computer, tablet, or mobile device. If this is your first time using Zoom, please click on the Zoom Meeting link below to install the software or app on … read more.

Know Thyself

This denomination and much of European-based civilization holds up as ideal the critical thinking and emphasis on rationality of the Enlightenment or Age of Reason. But, is there a dark side to these ideals and have we allowed them to harm us?

Profiles in Courage

John F. Kennedy’s “Profiles in Courage” tells about 8 brave US Senators. It’s time to update this with more “profiles in courage”!

Making Amends

Can we learn something from the story of Oedipus, the mythological Greek king? He paid a very high price for mistakes he made-too high? Let’s take a closer look at “paying for your crimes”.

Nature of a System

Most of us think of ourselves as independent individuals, making our own choices. But, there have long been credible voices telling us that the communities we belong to form us far more than we’re aware of.

A Crisis of faith

What does the expression “crisis of faith” really mean? So many people think that “faith” and “belief” are equivalent terms, which really only confuses the issue. Come and bring your whole self!