Though most of us might not identify as transgender persons, we can appreciate their journey toward being authentically themselves and can advocate for their human rights.
We will be conducting this hybrid Sunday Service in person and online via Zoom.
You may join the service in person at our current location:
Lehigh Valley Active Life Center
1633 West Elm St., Allentown, PA 18102
If attending virtually, you may join with a computer, tablet, or mobile device. If this is your first time using Zoom, please click on the Zoom Meeting link below to install the software or app on your device. You may do this anytime before the meeting schedule. The Zoom room will be open from 10:15.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 404 306 816
Password: 456881
See the UUCLV Re-Gathering Status & Policy page for info about whether services and activities will be held virtually and/or in person each week.
Attend Breakfast Forum
Join us before service for this week’s Breakfast Forum. The Zoom meetings begin at 8:30am with a meet & greet. The presentations begin at 9:00am and end at 10:00am to allow preparation for the worship service.
To ensure the safety of forum presenters and attendees, the Zoom link and passcode for the Breakfast Forum will only be shared in UUCLV eNews at this time. Please check the most recent issue for the information.
Sunday Service Links