November 3
What Does it Mean to be a People of Attention?
Please join us for a small group discussion on what does it mean to be a people of attention.
November 10
BEV: The Invisible Sister – Rory Miller Maruschak, author, presenter
Rory’s older sister Bev was born with a severe intellectual disability in 1943, a time when such children were hidden away, many of them in state-run facilities constructed to house people that conventional society deemed defective. Rory wrote BEV: The Invisible Sister to tell about the struggles she and her family faced. Rory will share Bev’s story and discuss the evolution of the care and treatment of the intellectually disabled in the U.S.
November 17
ProJeCt of Easton, Offering First Steps to Success – Angel Ackerman, Development Manager, presenter
ProJeCt is a non-profit organization founded by members of the Protestant, Jewish and Catholic faiths in 1968. We deliver a holistic, integrated and persistent network of services to help families break the cycle of intergenerational poverty through education and support.
November 24
Neurons and Synapses and Molecules – Oh My! – Frank Stone, presenter
Just a few interesting and entertaining tidbits from the maturing post-hype world of neuroscience.
If you are interested in leading a discussion or for more information, please contact Cari Poole or anyone of our Breakfast Forum volunteers, Frank Stone, Fred Bomberger, John Kennedy and Dan Poresky. If you would like to be added or removed from the Breakfast Forum email list, please email your request to Cari Poole.