Kickoff for Success Stewardship Event

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Date(s) - 01/14/2024
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

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What: This year, Stewardship will be doing something different than in past years! We are asking you to come to the January 14th Kickoff for Success event and pledge right then and there! Yes, you can get your pledge duty completed that day! There will also be a festive program following the usual service that includes songs performed by our choir and great finger food. This one-day focus has been used by many congregations who have found it to be effective, enjoyable, and more successful than traditional methods. The spirit and the sense of community affirmation is really rewarding for the congregation.

How: Pledge letters, including your own pledge amount from last year, will be mailed to you before the 14th. You can fill out and bring the pledge form on the back of the letter to the service or complete a form during the Kickoff event. Stewardship Members will be available to help you. You can also submit the online pledge form.

Why: Although Stewardship will continue the drive until mid-February, we would like to have everyone pledge early so that the Board can make important decisions regarding our financial future. This includes working to retain Reverend Larry as our minister. We hope you join in the spirit of the day. Giving financially is a direct way to show support for our mission and principles. When you make your pledge to UUCLV a top priority in your budget, it has a strong, enduring quality.

Be prepared! Pledge January 14th!