Date(s) - 11/15/2020 - 11/21/2020
1:00 pm - 12:00 pm
UUCLV Online Auction
Service Auction Quick Links: | ![]() |
Please join us for our “First Ever” online service auction in support of UUCLV.
Our theme is “Together Even When Apart”. This year’s auction is going to be a learning experience. We are asking for new offering items, services, things to do as we social distance, fun events we can do virtually and homemade food goods. Global Mamas will be part of our auction with 10% of their total sales going to UUCLV.
The time is now to offer your services, event, a homemade item, a food item, homemade soup, gift basket, a virtual zoom event, a curbside pickup meal, or a delivery meal. Let’s think outside-the-box on new, clever services and items you can offer to make this 2020 service auction interesting, challenging and be part of a new norm for raising funds for our beloved community.
There will be both fixed price and bidding on auction items. Some of us learned to participate in a bidding war from our summer fundraiser. It was fun and challenging at the same time.
Offerings can be entered online from October 18th to November 8th. Fill out the on-line form to make your service auction offer.
And if you want to “opt-out” of offering your annual event, there is a “donation barometer” on the auction website where a donor and/or bidder can make a cash donation to support UUCLV.
On-line bidding will be open November 15th and run through November 21st.
For additional information or questions, please contact: or
Important Dates:
October 18 – November 8 – Submit your service auction item, dinner, event and/or service.
November 8 – Look for auction access email in your mailbox (you will need this to sign-in to the auction website).
November 14 – 6:00pm – Live auction event via Zoom with auctioneer Allen Zinnes and other fun.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 853 5575 1417
Passcode: 320969
November 15 – Noon – Other online items open
November 21 – 9:00 pm – Online auction will close
November 27 – Noon-2:00 pm Drop off items sold in community room
November 28 – Noon-2:00 pm Pick-up your auction purchases in community room.