Category: Uncategorized

Items Needing a New Home

UUCLV’s Self-Storage Items – Quakertown, PA

A huge bargain is waiting for you, a friend or family member or a deserving organization of your choice! And you would do the UUCLV a HUGE favor!

When we moved out of 424 Center Street, we saved and moved our … read more.

July 2022 UU-Link

Each month, our Minister, Board of Trustees, Program Chairs, members and staff create, publish and mail The Link, our newsletter, to nearly 300 Members and Friends of the UUCLV.

The July 2022 issue is available now and includes the past Board President’s column, “Transitions,” a … read more.

New Minister to Serve UUCLV

Reverend Larry Smith has accepted an offer to serve our congregation as a contract minister starting August 1. Ordained in 1999, Rev. Smith has over a dozen assignments in the Mid-Atlantic/New England region as an interim, contract, or consulting minister and is uniquely qualified to … read more.

Community Office Hours

Pastor Madelyn is having community office hours. If you would like to stop by and say hello or goodbye, or if you would just like to chat or have a cup of coffee, consider coming by during community office hours. They will take place at … read more.

Ministerial Search Begins

The Board and I are pleased to share that we have posted our ministerial search on the UUA jobs board and will anticipate activity as we approach and move through May. We have a search committee forming, and will be looking for a contract / … read more.

Congratulations, Pastor Madelyn!

On behalf of the congregation, the Board would like to offer sincere congratulations to Pastor Madelyn Campbell on the coming award of her Doctor of Divinity Degree at the National Cathedral on Sunday, May 1, 2022.

This is a milestone event, towards which she has spent … read more.

President’s Column

Board work for February will involve a coordinated effort, one that includes the Committee on Shared Ministry, to conduct an annual assessment of the ministries of the church. Although not in its final form, our plan is to interview a randomized group of approximately 30 … read more.

Relocation Site Update

The Board wants to let the congregation know that the prospective church office space offered to us at Lehigh Valley Active Life is not adequate to our needs. Therefore, we’re searching out an alternative office space to rent in the vicinity of LVAL, Allentown. If … read more.

The Bethlehem No Home for Hate Campaign

The Bethlehem Interfaith Group (B.I.G.) is asking each house of worship to gather signatures for the “No Home for Hate” campaign. The campaign will run through February 28, 2022. B.I.G. describes the campaign and petition as follows:

The “Bethlehem No Home for Hate” campaign has just … read more.

Did You Know?

The Leadership Development Committee has developed a series of slides to highlight the path, benefits, and responsibilities of membership in UUCLV. A new slide will be posted each week throughout the month. Get informed and then get involved!

Click each slide below for a larger version.

… read more.