Category: Monthly Theme

Monthly theme – copy DonSense article from UU-Link Newsletter.

February Theme: Trust

DonSense – Rev. Don Garrett & the Soul Matters Sharing Circle

February: What does it mean to be a people of Trust?

When I was a child, trust was a rather straightforward concept. It had to do with telling the truth. If someone lied to me, that … read more.

January Theme: Possibility

DonSense – Rev. Don Garrett & the Soul Matters Sharing Circle

January: What does it mean to be a people of Possibility?

Of all our topics this year, possibility is arguably most central to our faith. Historically, when others saw depravity and sin at the core of … read more.

December Theme: Mystery

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett & the Soul Matters Sharing Circle

December: What does it mean to be a people of Mystery?

Unitarian Universalists love puzzles. We proudly announce that we are the religion that loves questions and questioning. Or to put it another way, we … read more.

November Theme: Memory

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett

November: What does it mean to be a people of Memory?

Michael Piazza, a UCC minister, once addressed a gathering of Unitarian Universalist minsters, acknowledging that his tradition was different from ours. He told us, “All Southerners know how to eat … read more.

October Theme: Sanctuary

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett

October: What does it mean to be a people of sanctuary?

Just saying the word “sanctuary” brings one a sense of peace and safety. It can bring back conflicted memories for some, but for most of us the idea of sanctuary … read more.

June Theme: Blessing

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett

June: What Does It Mean to Be a People of Blessing?

A friend once shared, “I guess after plan A fails, I need to remember there’s still a whole alphabet out there.”

It’s not just our friend who needs help remembering that … read more.

May Theme: Creativity

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett

May: What Does It Mean to Be a People of Creativity?

Creativity is our ability to dream things up and make them happen.
– Peggy Taylor

We’re all familiar with that part in the quote about dreaming. Conjuring up new ideas and … read more.

April Theme: Emergence

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett

April: What Does It Mean to Be a People of Emergence?

Springtime is the perfect season to consider “emergence.” We see it all around us – flowers bravely pushing up out of the soil toward the sun, the emergence of leaves … read more.

March Theme: Balance

DonSense – by Rev. Don Garrett

March: What Does It Mean to Be a People of Balance?

When we talk of balance, it’s natural for calm and rest to be the first things that come to mind. Striving and stress have become the badges we wear to … read more.