Speaker: Rev. Don Garrett


We’ll lift up the lives of those who came before and remember them together.


We’ll celebrate the Hindu Festival of Light – their themes, their gods, and their practices.

Singing Service & Pot Luck Dinner

We’ll have a special evening Worship Service/Hymn Sing and Potluck Fellowship Dinner starting at 4:30 pm. Please bring a dish to share, salad, main course, dessert, drink or side dish, home made or store bought, so that those who attend can break bread together. Please … read more.

Animal Blessing

This intergenerational service will feature music, stories, and everyone’s favorite animal friends. Well-behaved pets (and photos) are welcome.


When we ask, “What is sanctuary and where do we find it?” we learn that sanctuary is a gift we can give ourselves and the world.

70 Years Together

We’ll celebrate our 70th anniversary in song & story. Come early – we’ll start singing early!

Water Communion

Bring your waters and stories from your summer and share them in our annual ritual of togetherness.

Universalism for Difficult Times

As our public debates begin to rise to the level of hostility, let’s consider how our Universalist heritage can help us stay compassionate in the face of anger.