About Social Action
Black Lives Matter. Please see our official statement on the death of George Floyd and racial injustice here.
Welcome to the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley! We meet on the 2nd Monday at 7 PM. Meeting location varies – please contact sac@uuclvpa.org for the location of the current meeting. All are welcome!

The UUCLV has a rich history of commitment to and involvement in social justice. The Social Action Committee puts this commitment into action with the following:
HAVEN & LGBTQIA Outreach: The UUCLV is a certified Welcoming Congregation supporting LGBTQIA youth through HAVEN, a gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex and allies youth group.
Community Outreach: Our efforts include the Emergency Winter Shelter, Food Pantry participation and Immigrant & Refugee Support.
Shared Plate: We support local and national causes and groups by donating a portion of the non-pledge collection from every Sunday service. Take a look at some of the organizations we support HERE.
Economic Justice: Our efforts include the Annual Global Mamas Fair Trade Sale.
Environmental Justice: The UUCLV is a certified Green Sanctuary, and every year we host a Native Plant Sale.