Sunday Breakfast Forum

Breakfast Forum at UUCLV meets most Sundays before service to keep our congregation up-to-date with educational topics and social activism in line with our Principles. You are welcome to attend in person at the Lehigh Valley Active Life Center (1633 West Elm St., Allentown, PA 18102) or attend via Zoom. The meetings begin at 8:30am with a meet & greet. The presentations begin at 9:00am and end at 10:00am to allow preparation for the worship service.

If you would like to stay informed about Forum topics and presenters or if you would like to volunteer to give a presentation, please email

This Month’s Breakfast Forums

January 5

The Middle East—A Personal Perspective
Presented by Tom Zimmerman


January 12

In Seminary: A Personal Perspective
Presented by Steve Wiggins


January 19

Great Photographs
Presented by Tom Repasch

Featuring well known photos and the stories they tell.


January 26

The Seed Farm
Presented by Katy Hunter & Kathy Stagl