Announcement of Bill Thompson’s Death

We have very sad news to report to you: former president of the UUCLV, Bill Thompson, has died at peace and without pain. His wife, Mary, held his hand and massaged those hands and feet as he died.

Tara S. received the following text message from Mary:

“Today is the day that they will take Bill off the ventilator. Nine members from Bill’s and my family will gather this morning to say our goodbyes. They will then sedate and medicate him to have a very peaceful and painless death. Bill and I are at total peace with this process. This is what he wanted.”

“He will have a green burial at a cemetery in Fountain Hill. We will have a celebration of life in December sometime between Christmas and New Years to enable some family members to attend. It will be held at Elias Funeral Home in Allentown and will be for close friends and family.”

On Sunday, June 23, she posted the following on Facebook:

“My sweet William breathed his last breath yesterday. It was a very peaceful and painless death surrounded by family. Bill was the love of my life and I will miss him terribly.”